James Coignard
Tours 1925 - 2008 Antibes
Profile imaginaire
Bronze on a stone base
Signed and limited on the back: 20/99
Foundry mark: ARTES
Size including base: 39.5 cm
good condition, see photos
Authenticity will be confirmed in writing.
James Coignard had a great affinity for painting as a child. 1948. At the age of 23, he decided to become an artist and enrolled at the École des Arts Décoratifs in Nice. The following year he exhibited together with his artist colleague Marchand des Raux at the Musée Îsle de France in St Jean Cap Ferrat. His contact with Henri Matisse and later with Georges Braque and Marc Chagall had an influence on his artistic development at this time. The latter particularly influenced him in terms of color design. In the late 1950s, contact with a number of Spanish artists and his engagement with Catalan sculptures and frescoes were crucial for his artistic development.
In the late 1960s, Coignard began working with the carborundum technique, of which he is now considered a master.
Since the 1960s, James Coignard has exhibited in a large number of galleries and museums. The public collections in which he is represented include: the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California.
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